April 16–19, 2024
XVI International Scientific and Practical Conference
Education and Science for Sustainable Development
XVI International Conference is dedicated
to the 300th Anniversary
of the Russian Academy of Sciences
XVI International Scientific and Practical Conference “Education and Science for Sustainable Development” dedicated to the 300th Anniversary of the Russian Academy of Sciences was held April 16–19, 2024 at Dmitry Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia (Moscow, Russia) in hybrid (in-person and virtual) format. The work of the conference was organized both in Russian and English.

The conference is supported by PJSC PhosAgro.
Abstracts were published as the materials of the conference. The best papers (by the decision of the Organizing Committee) were published in the journal “Advances in Chemistry and Chemical Technology”.
Organizing Committee
  • Ilya Vorotyntsev
    D. Sc., Prof.,
    Acting Rector,
  • Natalia Tarasova
    Corr. Member of RAS, D. Sc., Prof.,
    Director of the Institute of Chemistry and Problems
    of Sustainable Development MUCTR
  • Alexander Sharabaika

    Honorary Chair

    Deputy Chairman of the Board
    of Directors at PhosAgro,
    Deputy CEO for finance
    and international projects,
    Chairman of the Strategy
    and Sustainable Development Committee
  • Alexey Zanin
    Scientific Secretary
    C. Sc.,
  • Vladislav Petrov
    Corr. Member of RAS,
    D. Sc., Prof.,
  • Alexander Ishkov
    D. Sc., Prof.,
  • Alexander Malkov
    D. Sc., Prof.,
  • Yaroslav Mezhuev
    D. Sc., Prof.,
  • Valerii Traven
    D. Sc., Prof.,
  • Alexander Khachaturov-Tavrizyan
    D. Sc., Prof.,
  • Vladimir Tsirelson
    D. Sc., Prof.,
  • Anna Dodonova
    C. Sc., Assoc. Prof.,
  • Anna Egorova
    C. Sc., Assoc. Prof.,
  • Yana Molchanova
    C. Sc., Assoc. Prof.,
  • Natalia Rukk
    C. Sc., Assoc. Prof.,
  • Silvia Gomanova
    C. Sc.,
  • Efrem Krivoborodov
    C. Sc.,
  • Stanislav Fedotov
    C. Sc.,
  • Anna Nechaeva
    Assist. Prof.,
  • Andrey Fedoseev
    Assist. Prof.,
Plenary Reports

Vladimir Speakers

Corr. Member of RAS, D. Sc., Prof. of RAS,

Director of Kurnakov Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry of RAS

«275 Years of Chemical Science in Russia»

Alexey Paevskiy

Deputy Chair of Competence Center of National Technology Initiative,

Federal Research Center of Problems

of Chemical Physics and Medicinal Chemistry RAS

«Hydrogen Technologies: Current State and Prospects»

Panel Discussion «Education and Careers
for Sustainable Development»

As part of the conference, the panel discussion “Education and Career for Sustainable Development” took place, organized at the initiative of the Student Scientific Society of MUCTR with the support of the festival “VuzEcoFest-2024”.
During the panel discussion, the competencies required to work in the field of sustainable development and their application in building career trajectories were discussed.
Panel discussion speakers:

Artur Demchuk

Chair of Department

of Comparative Political Science,

Faculty of Political Science,


Elena Romanova

Supervisor of Training Center,

EcoCenter “Zapovedniki”

Larisa Kopylova

Deputy Director of the Center

for Support and Development

of Technology Companies “Accelerator Mendeleev”,


Vasilisa Kozorina

Panel Discussion Moderator,

Student Scientific Society, MUCTR


Environment and Sustainable Development


D. Sc., Prof. Alexander Malkov


C. Sc. Efrem Krivoborodov


Andrey Fedoseev


Green Chemistry for Sustainable Development: from Fundamental Principles to New Materials


D. Sc., Prof. Yaroslav Mezhuev,

D. Sc., Prof. Vladimir Tsirelson


C. Sc., Assoc. Prof. Anna Egorova


Snr. Lec. Anna Nechaeva


Materials for Energy Production, Conversion and Storage (English only)


D. Sc., Prof. Valerii Traven


Assoc. Prof. Natalia Rukk


Social and Economic Aspects of Sustainable Development


Acad., D. Sc., Prof. Valery Meshalkin,

D. Sc., Prof. Alexander Khachaturov-Tavrizyan


C. Sc., Assoc. Prof. Yana Molchanova


Contest of Scientific and Research Works
of Young Scientists and Students
The Contest of Scientific and Research Works of Young Scientists and Students was held during the sections' meetings. All speakers (both with oral and poster reports) without academic degree were participants of the contest.
The winners of the Contest:
Section “Green Chemistry for Sustainable Development:
from Fundamental Principles to New Materials”:
1st degree diploma
Denis Filin, MUCTR

2nd degree diploma
Marina Zhigacheva, Vavilov University
Anastasia Soldatova, MUCTR

3rd degree diploma
Oleg Medennikov, SRSPU (NPI)
Il’ya Molokhov, MUCTR

Section “Environment and Sustainable Development”:
1st degree diploma
  • Andrey Gincharov, MUCTR

2nd degree diploma
  • Polina Uskova, MSU
  • Anastasia Koshenkova, SPMU

3rd degree diploma
  • Daria Lapina, MUCTR
  • Anastasia Tyurina, MUCTR

Section “Materials for Energy Production, Conversion and Storage”:
1st degree diploma
  • Alexander Hizbullin, MUCTR

2nd degree diploma
  • Ivan Zhukov, MUCTR
  • Marina Titarenko, MUCTR

3rd degree diploma
  • Evgeny Reshetov, MUCTR
  • Violetta Korsakova, MUCTR

Section “Social and Economic Aspects of Sustainable Development”:
1st degree diploma
  • Yaroslav Olimpiev, MUCTR

2nd degree diploma
  • Marina Nikolaeva, MUCTR
  • Ulyana Glebezdina, MUCTR

3rd degree diploma
  • Alina Anisimova, FinU
  • Alexandra Malkevich, MUCTR

Contest of Volunteer Projects and Initiatives

The Contest of Volunteer Projects and Initiatives, dedicated to the Year of Volunteering in the CIS countries, was held during the conference. The purpose of the contest is to promote interest among students in participating in volunteer activities in educational organizations at various levels and to attract the attention of young people to solving socially and environmentally significant problems through participation in volunteer activities.

Jury Chair – C. Sc. Silvia Gomanova gomanova.s.o@muctr.ru
Jury Secretary – C. Sc., Assoc. Prof. Anna Dodonova dodonova.a.a@muctr.ru
Победители конкурса:
1st degree diploma
Volunteer project “You Are Not Alone” (School № 10, Krasnoyarsk)
  • Ivan Kantemirov
  • Ekaterina Tarlyuk
  • Valeria Bykova
  • Anastasia Sizova
  • Olesya Andronova
2nd degree diploma
Volunteer project Youth environmental exhibition “Atmosphere” (School № 34, Tver)
  • Valeria Preydis
  • Alexandra Ivanova
  • Valeria Zhigacheva
  • Kirill Bobkov
  • Egor Shevtsov
  • Maria Kuznetsova
3rd degree diploma
Volunteer project “Ecological trail Green Kaluga” (MUCTR)
  • Julia Bokova
  • Georgy Grebenkov
  • Alexandra Shtempeleva
  • Vladimir Simantovskiy
  • Maxim Kotov