April 26–28, 2022
XIV International Scientific and Practical Conference
Education and Science for Sustainable Development
XIV International Conference is dedicated
to 95th anniversary of Professor G. A. Yagodin
and 50th anniversary of the report to the Club of Rome “The Limits to Growth”
XIV International Scientific and Practical Conference “Education and Science for Sustainable Development” dedicated to 95th anniversary of Professor G. A. Yagodin and 50th anniversary of the report to the Club of Rome “The Limits to Growth”, was held April 26–28, 2022 at Dmitry Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia (Moscow, Russia) in hybrid (in-person and virtual) format. The work of the conference was organized both in Russian and English.
Abstracts were published as the materials of the conference (part 1, part 2). The best papers (by the decision of the Organizing Committee) were published in the materials of the United Congress of Chemical Technology of Youth 2022.
Organizing Committee
  • Ilya Vorotyntsev
    D. Sc., Prof.,
    Acting Rector,
  • Natalia Tarasova
    Corr. Member of RAS, D. Sc., Prof.,
    Director of the Institute of Chemistry and Problems
    of Sustainable Development MUCTR
  • Dennis L. Meadows
    Honorary Chair
    Emerit. Prof. of Systems Management,
    the University of New Hampshire (USA);
    Hon. D. Sc., MUCTR;
    coauthor of “The Limits to Growth”
  • Vladimir Kuznetsov
    D. Sc., Prof.,
  • Alexey Zanin
    Scientific Secretary
    C. Sc.,
  • Vladislav Petrov
    Corr. Member of RAS,
    D. Sc., Prof.,
  • Artem Abakumov
    D. Sc., Prof.,
  • Alexander Ishkov
    D. Sc., Prof.,
  • Alexander Malkov
    D. Sc., Prof.,
  • Yaroslav Mezhuev
    D. Sc., Prof.,
  • Valerii Traven
    D. Sc., Prof.,
  • Alexander Khachaturov-Tavrizyan
    D. Sc., Prof.,
  • Vladimir Tsirelson
    D. Sc., Prof.,
  • Anna Dodonova
    C. Sc., Assoc. Prof.,
  • Anna Egorova
    C. Sc., Assoc. Prof.,
  • Yana Molchanova
    C. Sc., Assoc. Prof.,
  • Anna Makarova
    D. Sc.,
  • Ekaterina Bartashevich
    D. Sc., Assoc. Prof.,
  • Silvia Gomanova
    C. Sc.,
  • Efrem Krivoborodov
    C. Sc.,
  • Stanislav Fedotov
    C. Sc.,
  • Ekaterina Lazareva
    Green Civilization,
    ECA Movement

Environment and Sustainable Development


D. Sc. Anna Makarova


Andrey Fedoseev


Green Chemistry for Sustainable Development: from Fundamental Principles to New Materials


D. Sc., Prof. Yaroslav Mezhuev,

D. Sc., Prof. Vladimir Tsirelson


C. Sc., Assoc. Prof. Anna Egorova


Jr. Res. Fell. Anna Nechaeva


Materials for Energy Production, Conversion and Storage (English only)


D. Sc., Prof. Valerii Traven


C. Sc. Stanislav Fedotov


Social and Economic Aspects of Sustainable Development


D. Sc., Prof. Alexander Khachaturov-Tavrizyan


C. Sc., Assoc. Prof. Yana Molchanova


Contest of Scientific and Research Works
of Young Scientists and Students
The Contest of Scientific and Research Works of Young Scientists and Students was held during the sections' meetings for all speakers (both with oral and poster reports) without academic degree.

The winners of the Contest:
Section “Environment and Sustainable Development”:
Anastasia Kochneva, NArFU named after M. V. Lomonosov
Nadezhda Kholodnaya, AmSU
Regina Romanova, MUCTR

Section “Green Chemistry for Sustainable Development: from Fundamental Principles to New Materials”:
Ekaterina Obidovskaya, MUCTR
Yulia Ivankova, MUCTR
Dmitriy Chikin, MUCTR

Section “Materials for Energy Production, Conversion and Storage”:
Sofya Shekhova, MUCTR
Elizaveta Vaneeva, MUCTR
Ksenia Isakovskaya, MUCTR

Section “Social and Economic Aspects of Sustainable Development”:
Darya Grishina, MUCTR
Vladislava Ergina, MUCTR
Anna Rogacheva, MUCTR

Professor Gennady Yagodin Memorial Symposium

Professor Gennady Yagodin Memorial Symposium was held during the conference.

In 2022, the outstanding scientist and teacher Gennady Yagodin would have turned 95 years old. He can safely be called a man ahead of his time.

Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Academician of the Russian Academy of Education, Professor Gennady Yagodin devoted more than 70 years of his life to Mendeleev University, having been its rector from 1973 to 1985.

Gennady Yagodin is the founder and head of the scientific and pedagogical school «Industrial Ecology and Problems of Sustainable Development», founder of the Department of Industrial Ecology (first in our country), initiator of the formation at Dmitry Mendeleev University of the Faculty of Environmental Engineering, the Department and the Institute for Sustainable Development (currently – the UNESCO Chair in Green Chemistry for Sustainable Development and the Institute of Chemistry and Problems of Sustainable Development).

The program of the Symposium included reports on the life, scientific, pedagogical and state activities of Gennady Yagodin.

Person in charge – C. Sc., Assoc. Prof. Anna Dodonova.
“Intersectoral Partnership for Sustainable Development in the Frame of ESG Agenda”
The Roundtable “Intersectoral Partnership for Sustainable Development in the Frame of ESG Agenda” was held during the conference.

During the Round Table, experts discussed the specifics of organizing a partnership for sustainable development among universities, business companies, NGOs and the state.

What are the challenges and what are the opportunities? How to develop and strengthen partnerships between the sectors represented to support the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals?

In addition to answering exciting questions, the speakers shared their experience in integrating sustainable development into their professional activities and discussed the difficulties they encountered in building partnerships.

Moderators of the Roundtable – C. Sc. Silvia Gomanova, Ekaterina Lazareva.

Essay Contest “Beyond the Limits to Growth?”

The Essay Contest “Beyond the Limits to Growth?” was held during the conference.

Jury Chair – D. Sc., Prof. Alexander Malkov malkov.a.v@muctr.ru
Jury Secretary – C. Sc., Assoc. Prof. Anna Dodonova

The winners of the Essay Contest:
Vasiliy Zhukov, MUCTR
Aida Verdieva, MUCTR
Eremey Korzhavy, MUCTR